Thursday, January 22, 2009

to the end of the world and back, hopefully!

wish us well...
yvonne and I are off to see the other side of the world for a couple of days.
i'm hoping to run into Rob (yes, he and I are on a first name basis after
all the late night rendezvous, hahaha) i'll give him a kiss for each of you, all what???? 100 of my nearest and dearest friends...nothing is too good for my BFF'S.

i'm off to pack and fret over packing too much or not enough or whatever!

i'll be thinking of each of you and if our plane goes down, you guys can split my scrapbook ya, Steph


Yvonne said...

OMG, should I call you miss doom???
Our plane will get us there safely and back safely!!!! No worries. For the packing dilema-pack a day or two in your carry on and the rest in your checked baggage. Just keep with you what you would want to have just in case we arrive before our luggage. I am getting excited, our first stop will be at Teresa Collins booth, awesome make and take for the first 500. We will be part of the first:) If you have any questions, call me I would be glad to try and calm your nerves;) I will be calling you tomorrow sometime to go over what time I will pick you up EARLY Saturday morning. Until then...

Nita said...

Um, ok. Yvonne is trying to calm YOUR nerves? What the heck is going on? I'm warning you, she's a piece of work when flying :D !!

If you run into Rob, calmly kidnap him and bring him home. In your suitcase. To all of BFFs here. We would appreciate that. I think even more so that some scrappy goodness :)

Trying to leave this stupid message, but apparently the visual verification code is down. There isn't anything there?!

kristy.lynn @ kristy.makes said...

MMMMMMMMMMANNNNNNNNNNN!!! i am so jealous!!!!

and if you find some seedy bar that he is singing in i think i will be even more jealous over that then the kisses!! seriously!!

i am so excited for you, i know you will LOVE it!!