Another dream has come true...I am so blessed!
When I was a young girl I can remember dreaming of:
A man that would love me and all my faults...Russ is amazing!
A healthy baby boy...I received two healthy beautiful boys!
A healthy baby girl...but I really didn't understand them all that well, even though I am one!
I believe that God doesn't give you more than you can I understand the part were he didn't give me a daughter. The hair bows, drama and all that pink stuff would have been wasted in a home with 3 boys! HOWEVER, I'm more than willing to figure out the hair bows and try to understand the drama that goes along with all the pink stuff for a GRAND DAUGHTER!
Peyton Renee, I can not hold you in my arms yet, but you should know that you are loved and prayed for each day! You are another blessing in my life and I can't wait for the day I get to hold you in my arms and play the silly games with you that I played with your daddy!
Love your Gee-ma
You do realize, you are now going to have to incorporate A LOT of pink into your scrapbooking stash! LOL!
I truly am SO happy for you and Jake and Krystal!
O O O! I got pink stuff I can share!
Oh, congratulations Stephanie. So happy for you. :)
Love, Melle
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