Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What happen to August?

Where did August go?
Did we even have a month called August this year?
I think not!
Here's the scoop on my life (apparently without the month of August)...
Jacob's graduation was very rewarding for this mom
who's doubted she did her best for her son!
Enjoyed spending time with Crystal last week...
looking forward to more quality time with her this weekend!
Wesley entered his sophomore year at the Villages High School.
The band played at the first football game last week and they ROCKED!
Golf is going well ...Russ is the assistant golf coach so the two
of them are getting in some quality son/dad time!
We took possession of She Scrapbooks September 1st.
Remodeling began the next day.
Painting will be complete tomorrow.
We move in fixtures and product on Saturday
Yahhoo, yippee, woohoo!
My last day with Farner Barley and Assoc. is this Thursday.
I move my offices to Arnett Environmental on Friday.
I've joined forces with a long time friend
so that I may continue to serve The Villages and it's predecessors.
So a sad week of goodbyes to the Farner Barley gang!
I'm on an emotional roller coaster this week...
pray that Russ and Wesley make it through the week with me!

1 comment:

kristy.lynn @ kristy.makes said...

glad to see you post. :)

can't wait to see your pictures.

i think i may be available saturday :)

yay :)