Saturday, September 26, 2009

Rundown of the week

Monday SHE
Tuesday SHE
Wednesday SHE
guess you get the hint....alot of SHE going on!

Thanks to all of you that have given of your time to help get SHE up and going. We are so close now that we can feel the inspiration that SHE will be offering to everyone very soon!

She made her debut in the Daily Sun...great article!

Big annoucments this week! Keep an eye on the SHE blog!

Jacob came home from Texas on Thursday...and I was so so so glad to see him! Crystal, Jacob and Copper (my grand dog) are spending the having them around!

Founder's Day Festival on Friday was a success.....

Russ, also known as GM (gondola man) is so happy that his efforts in getting this store opened are about to be complete.
Wesley will be happy to have a weekend and Pickles just wants someone to come home and play with him!
Stephanie wants, well Stephanie is looking for that EASY BUTTON that so many people talk about!


kristy.lynn @ kristy.makes said...

i soo much wish that i had more time. i didn't help at all, and i am soo soo sad about that. having a job is really inconvienient sometimes!

i miss you terribly, and am so glad that you are enjoying your time with jacob & crystal!

i WILL be there saturday!

and thank you. you always have the best most practical kick me in the butt advice! i treasure your friendship more than you could ever know!!


Yvonne said...

If you find that easy button, can you get one for me? SHE is going to be more then we even imagined it to be, I just know it.

Nita said...

LMAO! Yvonne and I think SO much alike!! I need one of those easy buttons too!

SHE is going to be more than you imagined! So glad I have been able to help out somewhat....

SO excited that I will FINALLY have a LSS to shop at :D Woohoo!!