Saturday, November 20, 2010

Life as I Know it Today...

My days are always crazy busy...have several fund raisers going on for some very worthy causes! I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving and spending time with my family.
I'd like to scrapbook sometime in the near future....however I don't see that happening!
Jacob has been serving in Afghanistan since August 2010. Crystal and Peyton are staying with us and I am eating up every single minute of having them around. I feel so fortunate to have this time with both of them, seeing them grow together as mom and daughter...learning as they go, gosh I am blessed! I would have never imagined that I would get this precious time with them! Thanks Jake for the sacrifice that you are making for your SUM (this is a long lived joke in our house that oddly enough stems from the purchase of the Super Ultimate Towlet Bowl scubber. Russ is SUD and I am SUM...Super Ultimate Dad and Mom)...sorry thought I should explain!
Peyton is four months old...trying to sit up all by self and had her first taste of cereal this past week. That went ok....but she likes her pacifier dipped in lemonade much better!
Wesley is head over heals in love with Breanna! They have been a couple for 11 months so many days, so many hours and so many....well you get the just! They are very cute together... kinda like an old married couple without the old part!
Pickles has recovered from his knee surgery and is challenged with sharing his kingdom with Copper (Jake and Crystals puppy). I think they came to some agreement at their last meeting at the agreed to pee on one while the other one gets the other side...whew, problem solved!
Russ and I are doing what we do , work and more work oh yea, and we are the family ATM!
I wouldn't do a thing my life, miss my friends and would love to have more girl time! Let's make it happen girlies!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone...


kristy.lynn @ kristy.makes said...

missing you dearly.. hoping that you get to slow down & take some time for yourself over the holiday week. :)

Yvonne said...

I think we need some girlie time know girlie time with no work involved!!! I hope you can find sometime to do something for yourself absolutely deserve it. Love ya. Oh and I am very proud of you for updating, wink.